Vicky's Reflection


What were your initial expectations coming to work at YRES, and how have they evolved after your first month on the job?

Based on my interaction with the company during the interview and from navigating the company’s social media/website, I knew that we provided teaching opportunities. I aim to eventually become an educator so I mainly envisioned myself spending time teaching children. However, after working here for some time, I realized that there’s much more than what appears on the surface. There’s a close knit community with all the workers and coop students. I don’t only get to teach children but I also have the opportunity to hone my skills in other areas like in management or marketing!

What were your first interactions with the team and how have you been working to build relationships between you and your fellow team members?

I first got the chance to interact with the team was during one of the sessions where we had the chance to shadow the previous cohort at a weekend camp. We got to prepare for the upcoming summer camp and to assist with the onboarding process. From that occasion, I was able to start building my personal network at the company. In addition, when we work at the head office or collaborate on projects, I have the opportunity to get more familiar with other co-op students. I would like to shout out to Megan, Elizabeth, Ina, Jody, Vanessa, Aminah, Jamie, Erin, Cindy, Dorothy, Carson, and many more to mention!

How do you envision your term at YRES contributing to your personal and professional growth?

I aim to refine my leadership, communication, teaching skills, and etc. In terms of leadership, I’m tasked with managing the virtual classes that involve assigning classes to my fellow colleagues and following up with them to ensure their class was delivered with success and coherence. For teaching skills, I’m assigned with a few virtual math classes as well as an in-person math class, this allows me to familiarize myself with different teaching styles as technology is advancing and knowledge can be delivered in more formats. Everyday is a new day for improving my communication because whether I am teaching, collaborating with others or asking questions I ensure that I express myself in a clear and concise manner.

Who do you want to show some appreciation to the most and why?

I’d like to show appreciation with Kevin because with so many ongoing projects, he was always on top of everything and leading every team towards success. For instance, he would help review any of my administration work and ensure that everything is marked accurately. In addition, when the coop students were first doing the onboarding process, he was the one putting everything together and assigning the tasks to my colleagues and I. Kevin would also support me with any questions I have or direct me to a knowledgeable person that could assist me. Thank you Kevin!

Choose a meme (or funny picture) that encapsulates your first month/experience at YRES so far!

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