INA'S reflection

Now that summer camp is coming to a close, explain 3 key takeaways from the experience? How will you apply it in the future?

One key takeaway from summer camp is that preparation is extremely important. Carlos and I always discussed the activities for the next day and the schedule the night before with backup plans. It helped things run extremely smoothly and we rarely had issues with needing to change the schedule at the last minute. In the future, I will apply the same methods for planning ahead of time. Another key takeaway is that constant communication is key with all of your coworkers, including counsellors from other rooms and volunteers. In future workplaces, I will apply the same communication skills. Lastly, I learned to manage stress well and adapt quickly to unexpected situations. This will be extremely useful in future fast-paced

Describe one of the biggest challenges you faced, how you overcame it, and what you learned from it.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was having to switch from the small class of juniors to the larger class of intermediate students. Not only was it difficult learning how to interact with a new age group, but I also had to restart developing rapport and a connection with the campers. This was especially difficult since they had already developed a connection with Eric and Catherine before they got moved to Stonebridge. I overcame this challenge by communicating with Eric and Catherine to ask for strategies for handling this age group and any campers I need to watch out for. I also tested my own strategies and observed what worked best to make sure the campers were being respectful and following instructions. One of the most important things was that I maintained constant communication with my co-counsellor Carlos about everything regarding our class to ensure everything ran smoothly.

To close off the term on a high note, what were 3 highlights from your time at YRES?

This isn’t a specific moment, but my number one favourite part about my time working for YRES was being able to work with so many other co-op students. It was an amazing experience being able to work with so many people around my age who are also starting to enter the workforce and collaborate on this shared goal. This second highlight also isn’t a specific moment, but I enjoyed camp overall. I’ve always enjoyed working with kids but this was different because I was one of two of the campers’ primary teachers. It was an incredible experience being able to teach these kids knowing that, hopefully, this camp experience will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Lastly, I loved Carnival Day! The kids seemed to really enjoy it and it was a fairly nice, relaxed day for the counsellors and staff. 

What is some advice/tip that you would offer to future staff?

– Get to know your fellow colleagues. It makes every single aspect of the job significantly easier when you have colleagues whom you also consider friends 

– Know how to manage your time well 

– Learn how to be independent, but also know when to ask questions

– For camp, try your best to be patient but stern with the campers 

– For camp, constantly communicate with your co-counsellors. Plan and review the schedules and lesson plans at least the day before. Create back up plans always.

Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.

Edel – AMAZING site leader and constantly looking out for us. She also dealt with a really scary situation with a man that entered the camp site. Plus she dealt with a volunteer’s mom who came to confront her for firing her son. Overall, she’s a solider. 

Carlos – Was an incredible and extremely reliable co-counsellor. Couldn’t have done camp without him. Our class ran so smoothly because we worked so well together and we knew we had each other’s backs. Also did B2S drive duties outside of camp. 

Annabel – Organized the entire volunteer appreciation event by herself and, from what I’ve heard, it was a huge success.

Jamie – Organized the entire regional speech contest by herself and it went smoothly for the most part.

Anjali & Jodi – Organized the camp graduation.

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