Eric's reflection
Now that summer camp is coming to a close, explain 3 key takeaways from the experience? How will you apply it in the future?
Summer camp has been a very important experience for me as it has developed skills crucial for my professional life. Learning how to project my voice has been a great asset both within and outside of the classroom. Learning how to collaborate with my co-counsellors was also crucial to my success as a counsellor. Furthermore, camp has tested my ability to come up with solutions on the spot and resolve conflict. With these skills, I believe that I am well prepared for jobs outside of camp settings.
Describe one of the biggest challenges you faced, how you overcame it, and what you learned from it.
One of the biggest challenges has been coming up with solutions on the spot. Oftentimes, problems will arise in classrooms, whether it was camper to camper conflicts or injuries. In these scenarios I found it helpful to assess available resources, think of solutions with team members, and create a decisive plan. By following these steps, I believe I was able to effectively and efficiently troubleshoot all sorts of problems that I encountered during camp.

To close off the term on a high note, what were 3 highlights from your time at YRES?
One of my favourite memories that I shared with the team a YRES was a dinner and karaoke night! It was great being able to let loose and have fun after working hard. The carnival day at Stonebridge was also another core memory, as I will never forget how excited my class was to pour water on me. Finally, working with seniors within my community for the project I was leading (TM for Seniors) was definitely a unique and rewarding experience.

What is some advice/tip that you would offer to future staff?
– Take breaks
– Get to know your co-workers as they are amazing resources
– Connect with the kids as they can be a lot of fun
Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.
Catherine has been an amazing co-counsellor and showed great initiative in the classroom. She adapted quickly to the new environment and became well suited for her role. I cannot imagine running my class without her. Christina and Dorothy have also been amazing leaders at Stonebridge, doing a great job at being reliable resources.