Jayce's reflection


Now that camp has officially started, describe one challenge and how you overcame it during the transition to camp duties.

One challenge occurred when campers were not participating in gym activities that were planned. How we overcame that was to encourage them to play, give a try, and after a few more rounds we can change to other games they are interested in. In this way they get the chance to learn new games as well as playing games they wanted to. Also using loud voices during gym time to tell instructions helps a lot. 

Describe your top 3 camp moments thus far and why they stand out to you.

During sign out, a camper’s mom asked if we have camp service in September. She informed us that she really appreciates our work and they liked our camp. I felt proud and happy about that.

During camp graduation, campers who graduated really want to stay for more weeks. I think that’s also very meaningful for us that campers do enjoy being here. 

During debriefs, we can see that every volunteer and staff are actively communicating and helping each other. The team building and collaboration really amazed me a lot. 

Being a month into camp, how do you see the summer camp experience contributing to your personal and professional growth?

Summer camp experience could contribute to my personal growth by giving me opportunities to collaborate with different background colleagues. Also being able to solve problems independently plays a key role in future jobs. Summer camp also made me become more responsible. While facing kids, I also learned how to communicate with people at a younger age. I also got trained in being patient during this summer experience. Being able to work as a team and achieve goals together meant a lot. 

Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.

Dorothy and Christina for being really helpful during summer camp time, very supportive.

Share photos of fun times you've had while at camp!

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