Eric's reflection


Now that camp has officially started, describe one challenge and how you overcame it during the transition to camp duties.

One difficulty that I have faced while at camp was learning to lead both volunteers and campers. Being in an in-person leadership role had been a big shift from managing projects, and a new experience for me in general. As such, I had to identify how to become a figurehead within classrooms and think about what leadership style is suitable for my personality. Learning to project my voice and thinking about new tactics to control kids of different age groups has been a unique challenge that has also been rewarding.

Describe your top 3 camp moments thus far and why they stand out to you.

One of my favourite moments has been a competitive dodgeball game between my class and another. It was nice seeing all the kids in my class band together over a common goal while also striking up a rivalry with another class. When older kids act like they are too cool for everything, seeing them get pumped up over something is really exciting. I also really enjoyed going onto the pavement and drawing with the kids. They drew portraits of me which I thought were really funny! I also enjoyed wearing the go-pro the entire day because it felt like I was a vlogger.

Being a month into camp, how do you see the summer camp experience contributing to your personal and professional growth?

I have found that this has been a very big personal challenge learning how to assume a leadership role within a classroom, leading kids of different ages. Considering that I want to be a teacher in the future, this hands-on experience is invaluable. Discovering new methods to control kids and keep them engaged is crucial to success in my planned career. Furthermore, learning how to collaborate with peers and delegating has been valuable in developing my ability to lead and work in team settings.

Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.

Catherine deserves my nomination because she moved sites and does an amazing job at supporting our classroom. She is such a hard worker and a great team player.

Share photos of fun times you've had while at camp!

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