Daphne's reflection


Now that camp has officially started, describe one challenge and how you overcame it during the transition to camp duties.

Since Stonebridge has 8 classes and only 1 photographer, it was pretty difficult managing which class to go to since a lot of stuff is going on. First week was very hectic and hard to keep track of what class I already went to. However, in week 2, I was given an assistant which made it less stressful and easy to handle. I was able to get her to go to half of the classes while I went to the other classes. 

Describe your top 3 camp moments thus far and why they stand out to you.

  1. the junior class. The first week of camp I was walking in the hallway when junior class came out. and when they saw me with the camera, one person was posing so I was like ‘say cheese’, and the other campers saw and also started posing for the camera. They were so cute.


  1. int 1. A camper from int. 1 was helping me by putting away the parachute and the bag was paper. I told him thank you for helping but he should go line up as they were leaving the gym. He insisted on helping me and when he put the parachute in the bag, it was slowly ripping. I said “oh thank you for helping but you’re kinda ripping the bag a little” and he replied with “oh I’m sorry” in a cute tone. 


  1. Fridays during check out time. In week 2, we showcased the weekly recap video in front of the school for parents to see. It was very heartwarming seeing their kids show them the video to their parents. very cute and sweet. It was also nice seeing what the parents think of the pictures and videos. 

Being a month into camp, how do you see the summer camp experience contributing to your personal and professional growth?

I was given a lot of resources and equipment to try to enhance our camp. As a marketing student, I’ve definitely been growing professionally since I created the videos as well as taking pictures. I’ve also been giving my inputs on flyers for the next year’s summer camp, and helped out high school co-ops with design questions. I’ve also grown to love summer camps. I think it’s pretty great to see children having fun away from home. it’s also pretty nice giving them stuff to play with i.e. bubble guns, go pro cameras, big pencils, trying on grad gowns and cap etc. 

Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.

Emily Ma! She’s been a very good counsellor to everyone. She connects well with the campers, makes sure they are safe while having fun, and cares about them. Even when she moved from Int. 4 to Senior 2, she was able to transition smoothly. 


And Catherine, from having to deal with 10 campers to 20+ campers in one class, I’d say she definitely deserves a shoutout! She has turned the class from a mess into a more manageable class. Catherine is a team player, she is willing to help out anyone whenever she can and she works very well with other counsellors!

Share photos of fun times you've had while at camp!

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