Anjali's reflection


Now that camp has officially started, describe one challenge and how you overcame it during the transition to camp duties.

It was really challenging because I was working on camp graduation and had to basically let it go, not doing any more work on it. Instead, I had to focus solely on camp stuff. I didn’t like leaving things half-done, as it felt unfinished and frustrating. Juggling multiple responsibilities was tough, and not being able to complete the tasks I started made it even harder. It felt like I was pulled in different directions, not able to fully commit to one thing. I overcame this by delegating some of the tasks to HS coops, and working on some more aspects of it when I have free time.

Describe your top 3 camp moments thus far and why they stand out to you.

My first memorable moment was definitely the egg drop activity. All the kids had a lot of fun and were really excited, even though one kid got egg in his hair. Those are the moments that make camp super memorable. The second moment was when we celebrated a camper’s birthday. He was so excited and happy, and his parents brought snacks and goody bags for all the kids in his class. Elizabeth, Breyanka, and I got to decorate the board for him, which was special. Lastly, meeting the caretakers was another highlight. They are very nice, and their support added to the positive camp experience.

Being a month into camp, how do you see the summer camp experience contributing to your personal and professional growth?

Being a month into camp, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. This experience has really helped me grow both personally and professionally. As a site leader, I’ve developed a stronger sense of leadership and learned how to deal with difficult coworkers and volunteers, maintaining authority even with close friends. I’ve also gained experience handling medical emergencies, which has been very helpful. Additionally, juggling multiple responsibilities and being the go-to person for guidance has improved my multitasking skills. Overall its been a pretty good month however I do hope we keep improving and are able to be more smooth. 

Please nominate someone who deserves the employee of the month award and explain why briefly. You can nominate more than one person.

Elizabeth because she is very cool and fun and good to talk to.

Share photos of fun times you've had while at camp!

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