YRES Youth Resume Workshop at Thornlea High School 

By Winnie Huang, HR Coordinator 

YRES visited Thornlea Secondary School on May 30, 2024 to meet with Mme. Diana De Luca-Gorry’s careers class of Grade 9 and 10 students to present a Youth Workshop, titled: Resume and Cover Letter Building Workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the job application process and how to correctly build an outstanding resume and cover letter.

Through interactive activities, the students learned how to format and what to include on their resume, as well as how to tailgate their cover letter and resume towards the job they are applying to and what purpose they serve. Moreover, my colleague and I shared our recruitment experience as HR Coordinators and what we look for in an applicant.

It was encouraging to see that the workshop was of high relevance to the students, and they were very eager to participate and ask questions that could help build their personal application.

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